Katrina Ross Attorney - Public Defender / Enemy of "We The People"

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Katrina Ross Public Defender in Las Vegas clearly and transparently violated her fudiciary responciablities as an attorney representing Russell Martin. Katrina Ross clearly knew that the arrest report and documents created by Jake Gullo and Tony Worthman were manifested and false. She knew as a professional attorney the arrest report “Felony Assault With A Deadly Weapon Upon An Elderly Person” was produced to induce the defendant Russell Martin to employ an attorney to defend himself.
Katrina Ross was discharged as Mr. Martin’s public defense attorney because she contributed to inducing Mr. Martin to plead guilty. She did nothing to prepare a defense plan for court.
Read More Details Below.
LivRight objective is to restore the Constitution of the United States and stop corruption in the police, legal system and public servants.

Statement From Russell Martin, Defendant
Katrina Ross Public Defender in Las Vegas was assigned to Russell Martin as a manager of Jake Gullo by Judge Michael Villani. She was assigned after Jake Gullo created the false witness statements but before discovery they were false witness statments.. She did nothing but to continue the false alusion of legal defense. Katrina Ross has sadly lost her compass driven by income of the corrupt monopoly mafia legal system, business model. Ms. Ross knew that the arrest report was a false claim of Felony Assault With A Deadly Weapon Upon An Elderly Person.
Katrina Ross was discharged as Mr. Martin’s public defense attorney because she contributed to inducing Mr. Martin to plead guilty. She did nothing to prepare a defense plan for court. Nothing. It is not what an attorney is saying rather than what he or she is NOT saying or NOT doing. Be aware of any attorney, create your own plan and if the attorney will not follow instructions discharge them and find another.
Katrina Ross has joined the criminal mofia NAZI system to enrich herself and her family while distroying someone elses family.
Read More Details Below.
Katrina Ross Attorney, Public Defender or “Nazi”
If you get Katrina Ross as a public defender or lawyer refuse her public or private services in court or out of court. Run away from this lawyer. LivRight objective is to restore the Constitution of the United States and stop corruption in the police and legal system. LivRight Mission Statement
Katrina Ross was 2 of 5 public defenders discharged by Russell Martin for Violating Fiduciary Responsibilities.
Katrina Ross aligned with Jake Gullo Attorney who was Russell Martin’s first public defender. The charge was “Felony Assault With A Deadly Weapon Upon An Elderly Person.” Russell Martin was told by Jake Gullo that the minimum jail term was 5 years. The court case was during Covid. However after 10 months Mr. Martin reports that he became concerned because Jake and Katrina were doing nothing. So Mr. Martin went to the law library to understand the requirements of a public defenders. This is when he began to question Jake and Katrina for Stonewalling and failing to provide a responsible fiduciary relationship with Mr. Martin. More important when does it take two attorneys and a private investigator to do the job of one attorney. This should have been a simple misdemeanor assault case that ws inflamed into a felony case.
Katrina Ross, Public Defender or Prosecutor?
Katrina Ross joins the objective of The4thReich supporting Jake Gullo’s leadership. Is she a public defender or a prosecutor. The system is not defender vs prosecutor, No No. Your public defender is a prosecutor and jury setting you up to plead guilty and the judge is the executioner. The goal of all the individuals in the legal system is to make you happy while executing you.
Fiduciary Responsibility
A public defender or an outside attorney who is NOT performing his fiduciary duties to a defendant while supporting the objecitives of another business model becomes a NAZI. How do we clasify the business model is it the coming of the4Reich? Katrina Ross supported Jake Gullo attorney public defender by stonewalling, withholding knowledge, withholding evidence, withholding photos, vidoes and withholding witness full names and addresses. Jake sequestered me from talking to witnesses. Jake refused to get demand from judge for police pictures and police body videos. Mr. Martin found out that he had the phone numbers of the witnesses and Mr. Martin demanded witness statements. This started Jakes plan to induce Mr. Martin to plead guilty by creating false witness statements. Jake and Tony Worthman used them to brainwash Russell Martin.
False Witness Statement
The statements clearly incriminated Mr. Martin. Katrina Ross, Jake Gullo & Tony Worthman, investigator for state used tactic of 5 years minimum in jail for a felony to create fear in Mr. Martin to plead guilty.
Judge Michael Villane is he a NAZI SS?
Mr. Martin challenged the witness statements with the judge Michael Villani and this started the discovery that Mr. Martin was in a criminal court room with intent on finding Martin guilty. It is not about what the judge said calling Martin a “LIAR” it was that he did not check the statements as true. What is the business model and where is the business model taking America, we the people. The4thReich
LivRight is demanding the resignation of Katherine Ross as a court appointed attorney and public service. If she does not resign or is discharged a BoyCott of Las Vegas will remain in place until Katrina Ross and others are removed from public service.
See Public Court Records Attached.
Katrina Ross is an example of what is wrong with the police, legal, and political system. These are documents that have been submitted to the FBI, Attorney General, Nevada Bar Association and Commission for Judicial Discipline. Where is the defense for an individual under the Constitution of the United States? There are no departments in the Government defending the law or Constitution of the United States. The fear Mr. Martin has is disclosing all this information of corruption.
Katrina Ross & Jake Gullo are guilty of chargable offenses as listed:
- Violating fudiciary trust with defendant Russell Martin
- Stonewalling court actions.
- Refusing to investigate false arrest report.
- Refusing to get documentation of Robert Moss employement as policeman (Chief).
- Failing to get Mr. Martin pictures and police body videos before Mr. Martin small claims case. Or at any time of defense.
- Failing to give disclosure that Mr. Martin never struck Robert Moos to prosecutors or judge.
- Failing to ask relevant questions during deposition.
- Making two False witness reports with multiple false claims.
- Colluding with Judge Michael Villiane and proscecutors to induce Mr. Martin to plead guilty.
- Charges have now been dropped to misdemeanor battery due to Mr. Martin refusing to plead guilty and demanding a jury court. This is not the work of any defense attorney.
- If the pictures and videos that are now being delivered were availale four years ago the case would change direction and would have been done in six months or less. Also the truth would have been exposed with Chris Adamson.
Here are the attached PDF’s and Video disclosures. Every element of the police and legal system represents organized crime a mafia monopoly system committing tampering of evidence withhold evidence and manifesting of false evidence. Gabriel Villanueva false arrest report and Small Claims transcript represent multiple levels of criminal actions. The list goes on and on.
Chris Adamson Public Defender Jake Gullo False Witness Testimony
Chris Adamson Real Notized Witness Testimony
Monday Night Attack By Robert Moos Retired Police Chief.
Small Claims Judge Eric Goodman Public Court Transcript.
Complaint Judge Eric Goodman Small Claims
The actions of Eric Goodman in small claims represents the legal system is corrupt. There is more and much more. Read about the other judges, lawyers, police.
Las Vegas Metro Police Declaration of Arrest
Las Vegas Metro Police Declaration of Arrest Blacked Out
Las Vegas Metro Police Arrest Document Charges
Las Vegas Police Who Is AJ Pollock First Arrest Report
Picture of Robert Moos back of head. No damages to front of face.
Picture of Robert Moos back of head.