Judge Michael Villani Las Vegas NV or "NAZI" SS?

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World Justic League
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LivRight objective is to restore the Constitution of the United States and stop corruption in the police, legal system and public servants.

Statement From Russell Martin, Defendant
If Michael Villani returns to the business as a lawyer run away refuse his public or private services in court or out of court.
The4thReich – Judge Michael Villani lost control during his court room management calling Russell Martin a “Liar” after Mr. Martin called Jake “The Snake” a criminal for manafesting false witness statements. What Russell Martin was concerned with was that Judge Michael Villani did not verify the statements. He could have demanded the audios of the taking of statements. He did not because there were no recording of the phone calls. In addition to this issue was Mr. Martin demanding police body videos. Jake Gullo and Judge Villani put up a glass wall refusing to take action to the the videos. Jake Gullo did not record the coversation with Greg about the narcissistic megalomaniac conduct of Robert Moos in the raquestball courts. Russell Martin submitted Judge Michael Villani to the Commission for Judicial Disipline. Mr. Martin immediately realized that the court room is corrupt and everyone within the court room serving the judge is a NAZI operative. These court room professionals know what is going on and they accept the daily criminal activities of the legal system as normal. LivRight questions how many people plead guilty just so they can go home? Judge Michael Villani has retired as a judge. However how many people have he judged as guilty to serve The4thReich.
Judges use their personal views, leadership and potentially overreaching judicial justice when they interpret the laws & Constitution in ways to achieve another goal. When Superior Court makes policy decisions that serve a court case it does not mean it may serve as legal justice for another case. However it becomes a tool for justification when another judge wants to aline with the business model or political 4thReich leadership. This is a method of legal justification for lawyers and judges. They believe they are impowered to decide the outcome of cases. This very reason is why a judges are obstructing Mr. Martin from a jury trial in both District Court and Civil Court. A jury trial is a fundamental right of The Constitution of the United States. Why is this being taken away from the individuals rights?
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Las Vegas Police, Sheriffs Lawyers, Judges, District Attorneys, Attorney General have sadly lost there compass driven by income and power to serve the corrupt business model of The4thReich.
Judge Michael Villani Las Vegas or NAZI SS
If Michael Villani returns as a judge or lawyer run away, refuse his public or private services in court or out of court. LivRight objective is to restore the Constitution of the United States and stop corruption in the police and legal system. LivRight Mission Statement
Judge Michael Villani
Did Judge Michael Villani retire or was he retired by the Commission for Judicial Disipline?
LivRight Leadership
LivRight is going to promote to the public that these professionals are narcissistic megalomaniac’s serving The4thReich. They need to be socially out casted from business and friends.
There is NO Disipline for police, lawyers, judges or public servants.
How do you remove a judge from public service when they are clearly violating the intent of The Constitution of the Unites States, the Supreme law of the land. Even attemting such an objective is threatening to Russell Martin’s income, family and remaining life.
Think about this fact that the people listed are willing and able to put a person into jail for a crime or crimes they did not commit. The public service system is willing to create false arrest documents, withhold evidence, tamper with police videos, create false evidence without mentally questioning their own ethics.
Judge Michael Villani is a smart man.
Are our police, sheriffs, lawyers, judges and public servants mentally brainwashed and sick? Are they trapped by the need for income to servive and feed their family? Is this why Judge Michael Villani retired? Are they being mentally conditioned by higher powers and fundamental disconnected from humanity which leads them to being NAZI’s for a nefarious purpose. Will they soon begin the process of killing.
Is The Legal System Legal?
The point is that the legal system is no longer legal when a judge or public servent is protect by other judges willing to declare “Judicial Immunity”. The judges and lawyers just ignore, dialute, put up a glass wall against the Constitution of the United States and State Laws.
Can You Get Justice?
Mr. Martin realized that to fight this war he needed help on another level. After researching and interviewing with criminal defense attorneys he realized that the legal system is all on the same page. One you pay money to and you still get the same results as a public defender.
The question Mr. Martin is now asking himself is it worth time and money to submit to Superior Court or Federal Court? Would this higher level of court be any different? Look at Donald Trump and the Democratic Party controlling courts. Are America’s courts for sale?
Check Public Court Records Attached
Judge Michael Villani and Jake Gullo are an example of what is wrong with the police, legal, and political system. These are documents that have been submitted to the FBI, Attorney General, Nevada Bar Association and Commission for Judicial Discipline. Where is the defense for an individual under the Constitution of the United States? There are no departments in the Government defending the law or Constitution of the United States. The fear Mr. Martin has is disclosing all this information of corruption.
Jake Gullo is guilty of chargable offenses as listed and Judge Michael Villani:
- Violating fudiciary trust with defendant Russell Martin
- Stonewalling court actions.
- Refusing to investigate false arrest report.
- Failing to get Mr. Martin pictures and police body videos before Mr. Martin small claims case. Or at any time of defense.
- Failing to give disclosure that Mr. Martin never struck Robert Moos to prosecutors or judge.
- Failing to ask relevant questions during deposition.
- Making two False witness reports with multiple false claims.
- Colluding with Judge Michael Villiane and proscecutors to induce Mr. Martin to plead guilty.
- Charges have now been dropped to misdemeanor battery due to Mr. Martin refusing to plead guilty and demanding a jury court. This is not the work of any defense attorney.
- If the pictures and videos that are now being delivered were availale four years ago the case would change direction and would have been done in six months. Also the truth would have come out that everyone in the legal system is corrupt.
Here are the attached PDF’s and Video disclosures. Every element of the police and legal system are criminal statements or tampered with evidence. Gabriel Villanueva false arrest report and Small Claims transcript. The list goes on and on.
You can download and read.
Chris Adamson Public Defender Jake Gullo False Witness Testimony
Chris Adamson Real Notized Witness Testimony
This is Small Claims Judge Eric Goodman Public Court Transcript.
Small Claims Public Court Transcipt
Complaint Judge Eric Goodman Small Claims
The actions of Eric Goodman in small claims represents the legal system is corrupt. There is more and much more. Read about the other judges, lawyers, police.
Las Vegas Metro Police Declaration of Arrest
Las Vegas Metro Police Arrest Document Charges
Las Vegas Metro Police Arrest Document Blacked Out
Las Vegas Police Who Is AJ Pollock First Arrest Report
Picture of Robert Moos back of head. No damages to front of face