Judge Diane Sullivan Attorney Las Vegas NV or NAZI SS?

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Based on the Public Disclosures Judge Diane Sullivan has violated the Constitutional Rights of Russell Martin refused to follow legal mandates.
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LivRight objective is to restore the Constitution of the United States and stop corruption in the police, legal systems, and public servants of government. LivRight Mission Statement

Statement From Russell Martin, Defendant
If you get Judge Diane Sullivan as a judge or lawyer refuse her public or private services in court or out of court.
Diane Sullivan Judge knows that the arrest report was a false claim of Felony Assault With A Deadly Weapon Upon An Elderly Person. She knows as a professional Judge that what the public defenders did was a chargeable offence. She knows that Robert Moos the man who attacked me was a retired police officer who committed premeditated attempted murder.
Judge Diane Sullivan also violated my Constitutional request for a jury trial. The jury tril was my only insurance to defend myself from her criminal justice as judge with intent to find me guilty. I got lucky when Robert Moos feared showing up in court.
This raises the next subject as well as so many others, why did Judge Diane Sullivan fail to issue an arrest of Robert Moos for failing to obey a court order subpoena. I requested that Robert Moos be arrested for premeditated attempted murder. She and the prosecutor refused.
Judge Diane Sullivan is guilty of protecting a retired police officer of crimes.
Judge Diane Sullivan was violating my constitutional rights as well as Nevada State laws over and over exposing clearly and transparently her objective to judge me guilty.
Las Vegas Police, Sheriffs Lawyers, Judges, District Attorneys, Attorney General have sadly lost there compass driven by income and power to serve the corrupt business model of The4thReich.
Judge Diane Sullivan is taking a lot of risk violating court ethics to maintain The4thReich agenda. Russell Martin will submit her to the Commission for Judical Disipline
Diane Sullivan is guilty of chargable offenses of court room proceedures as listed:
- Violating fudiciary rights with defendant Russell Martin
- Refusing to acknowledge, investigate false arrest report and witness statements.
- Failing to get Mr. Martin pictures and police body videos when requested.
- Failing to address the prosecutor that videos provided were tampered with and edited. Important disclosures cut.
- Failing to give disclosure to prosecuting attorney that Mr. Martin never struck Robert Moos.
- Telling Mr. Martin that he did not qualify for a jury trial.
- Discharging Mr. Martin motion for case to be dismissed due to the State only having 1 year to bring charges against Mr. Martin. Then when Robert Moos failed to show in court and the prosecuting attorney requested a continuance she denied the prosecutor because the prosecutor only had 1 year to bring charges against Mr. Martin.
Here are the attached PDF’s and Video disclosures. Every element of the police and legal system are criminal. Statements and videos are tampered and false disclosures with evidence of intent to corrupt. Gabriel Villanueva false arrest report and Small Claims transcript. The list goes on and on.
Steve Wolfson District Attorney & Arron White lower charges.
Chris Adamson Public Defender Jake Gullo False Witness Testimony
Chris Adamson Real Notized Witness Testimony
This is Small Claims Judge Eric Goodman Public Court Transcript.
Small Claims Public Court Transcipt
Complaint Judge Eric Goodman Small Claims
Las Vegas Metro Police Declaration of Arrest
Las Vegas Metro Police Arrest Document Charges
Las Vegas Metro Police Arrest Document Blacked Out
Las Vegas Police Who Is AJ Pollock First Arrest Report
Picture of Robert Moos back of head. No damages to front of face.
Judge Diane Sullivan Las Vegas
Judge Diane Sullivan, Las Vegas – When I first met Diane Sullivan I told her that I trusted her. She quickly turned and represented her true allegiance to the business model now labeled as The4thReich. Every time I go into the court and face a judge I am in fear because I know that the judges are not in control of their court. Justice is being decided higher up the power structure. I have discovered the Nazi objective is to maintain I do not get a jury and I am judged as guilty. The question is why? Why are they maintaining and exposing themselves with such a simple confrontration between two men. Diane Sullivan, Civil Court judge assigned 07/01/2023 adjudicating my case has been controlled by a Nazi Organization objective.
Judge Diane Sullivan Guilty of Being a Poor Judge or NAZI SS Operative.
- Refused to arrest Robert Moos when sworn witness statement was given in public court records. As well as evidence.
- Refused request for jury trial. Constitutional Right and State Law.
- Judge Diane Sullivan requested her court public defender be assigned as a continuing back up public defender when the public defender has done nothing.
- Judge Diane Sullivan refused and obstructed State law 1 year to prosecute or drop charges for Battery Misdemeanor. After four years of public defenders and prosecutors obstructing justice she refused to reprimand or drop charges by declaring a mistrial.
- Judge Diane Sullivan refused to follow through with prosecutors delivering a full disclosure package to me and photos of me and police video conversations between Russ Martin and Police and Robert Moos and police.
- Judge Diane Sullivan obstructed law by obscuring and eluding the issues that photos and videos were no longer available after 4 years.
- When I challenged Judge Diane Sullivan leadership with knowledge that the provided videos were tampered with cut she refused to acknowledge and request to see the videos.
- Conspired with the prosecutors to maintain that the videos are not tampered with or available edit out information is not available. The prosecutors tampered with evidence Judge Diane Sullivan is to declare a mistrial and drop charges.
- For the third time I have requested a jury court. I have demanded a jury court in the legal offices prepared to pay for the jury and they have a standing order not to allow me to have a jury court. This is a Federal Constitution Law and Nevada State Law that demands the court judge to allow me a jury court if requested or demanded.
- Mr. Martin will be filing again for charges to be dropped once again base on prosecutors tampering with videos. I know she will decline under the leadership coming from District Attorney Steven Wolfson and Attorney General Office Aaron White. The4thReich
Diane Sullivan Judge, Lawyer or SS Nazi Obstructing Justice
Judge Diane Sullivan is not in control of her court room she is being controlled by a NAZI business model currently dictated by Steve Wolfson, District Attorney and Aaron White, Attorney General. Yes, she will control the defendant (Me) to accept a guilty plea or judge me as guilty only. If I say something negative she will put me in jail for contempt of court. What she has done so far is extortion to induce a guilty plea and or set me up for a guilty verdict. I am not in fear of a jury trial I want a jury trial I thought that once I fired all the public defenders I was going to a jury trial in District court. However the Attorney General office quickly dropped charges. When they realized that I was not stupid and demanded a jury trial based on charges in civil court they quickly dropped two more charges to eleminate jury trial. But under “Battery” misdemeanor I am to be afforded a jury trial if requested. Judge Diane Sullivan obstructed and diluted this Right under the Constitution of the United State and Nevada State Laws by declaring a Superior Court law that allows her to deny me a jury. There are laws on the books that will serve any objective of the legal system to violate and individual’s rights. However a judge has the ability to interpret the law for a case to protect individual rights when the prosecutor is clearly obstructing and tampering with evidence. In addition when the public defenders are failing to perform in the simplest of defense of a defendant a judge has to call for a mistrial. What I am in fear of is a corrupt court. What she will not do is uphold the laws of what I am submitting in my motion for jury or drop charges. I am disclosing Judge Diane Sullivan has no allegiance to the Constitution of the United States, Nevada State Laws or the protection of an individual’s rights. Judge Diane Sullivan is in collusion with public defenders, prosecutors to obstruct justice. I do not have the skills to manage court atmosphere of legal criminal professionals. When Judge Diane Sullivan gives the public defender or prosecutor a command they do not obey her instruction or court instruction. This means that I am in trouble… Judge Diane Sullivan IGNORS the Constitution of the United States and Nevada State laws. Google Them.
If Judge Diane Sullivan will not reprimand the attorneys in court and this is clear. Diane Sullivan should advice the public defender’s office to discharge him or her from public service and advice that his or her conduct be summited to the Nevada Bar Association. However if the judge will not do this it means that you are in a NAZI Court.
Judge Diane Sullivan knoows about all the events of Jake Gullo, Katrina Ross, Tony Worthman false statements and all of the public defenders violating Mr. Martin defence. She is now compounding her allegiance to The4thReich.
Judge Michael Villani Jake Gullo is an example of what is wrong with the police, legal, and political system. These are documents that have been submitted to the FBI, Attorney General, Nevada Bar Association and Commission for Judicial Discipline. Where is the defense for an individual under the Constitution of the United States? There are no departments in the Government defending the law or Constitution of the United States. The fear Mr. Martin has is disclosing all this information of corruption.