Steven Wolfson Attorney – District Attorney Las Vegas or “NAZI SS”?

Steven Wolfson Attorney

Steven Wolfson District Attorney or “NAZI SS”? Be A Patriot Vote To Control Government Public Servants World Justic League Steven Wolfson District Attorney Steven Wolfson has sadly lost his compass driven by the lust for income and desire for power. Steven Wolfson knows that the arrest report was a false claim of Felony Assault With […]

Judge Diane Sullivan Attorney Las Vegas NV or NAZI SS?

Judge Diane Sullivan Attorney

Judge Diane Sullivan Attorney Las Vegas NV or NAZI SS? Be A Patriot Vote To Control Government Public Servants World Justic League Based on the Public Disclosures Judge Diane Sullivan has violated the Constitutional Rights of Russell Martin refused to follow legal mandates. Read More Details Below. LivRight objective is to restore the Constitution of […]

Gabriel Villanueva Police Officer Las Vegas NV or NAZI Servant?

Gabriel Villanueva Police

Gabriel Villanueva Police Officer Las Vegas NV or NAZI Servant? Be A Patriot Vote To Control Government Public Servants World Justic League Gabriel Villanueva Police Officer Las Vegas NV clearly and transparently violated his fudiciary responciablities to the public. When he manifested false.arrest statements to a level that would damage Russell Martin he represented his […]

Katrina Ross Attorney Public Defender, Las Vegas, NV or NAZI?

Katrina Ross Attoney

Katrina Ross Attorney – Public Defender / Enemy of “We The People” Be A Patriot Vote To Control Government Public Servants World Justic League Katrina Ross Public Defender in Las Vegas clearly and transparently violated her fudiciary responciablities as an attorney representing Russell Martin. Katrina Ross clearly knew that the arrest report and documents created […]

Carolyn Goodman Mayor of Las Vegas or NAZI?

Carolyn GoodMan

Carolyn Goodman Las Vegas Mayor or Servant of The4thReich? Be A Patriot Vote To Control Government Public Servants World Justic League Under Construction Statement From Russell Martin, Defendant Under Construction Carolyn Goodman Mayor or “NAZI”? Public Recorded Court Documents Carolyn Goodman Mayor or “NAZI”? Carolyn Goodman Mayor or “Nazi SS Leader” Carolyn Goodman Mayor is […]

Carolyn Goodman Mayor of Las Vegas or NAZI?

Carolyn GoodMan

Carolyn Goodman Mayor or NAZI of The4thReich? Statement From Russell Martin  Russell Martin went to his first open city council meeting toaddress the issues of the criminal legal system. Mr. Martin asked if CarolynGoodman if she believed in the Constitution and protecting the rights ofindividuals under the constitution. Carolyn Goodman responded with“YES”. The first meeting […]

Jake Gullo Attorney – Public Defender, Las Vegas, NV or NAZI?

Jake Gullo Attorney

Jake Gullo Attorney – Public Defender / Enemy of LivRight Be A Patriot Vote To Control Government Public Servants World Justic League Lawyers, Judges, Legal Professionals respond Jake Gullo Attorney – As a Public Defender in Las Vegas Jake has sadly lost his compass driven by financial gain. The State of Nevada legal system is […]